Rod Sinks

Delivering results for Cupertino

Hi there, I’m Rod Sinks, and I’m running for Cupertino City Council in November 2024. I would be honored to have your vote.

“Be Prepared” – that’s the Scout Motto. And you won’t find someone better prepared for the job of Cupertino City Councilmember. I served on the City Council for nine years from 2012-2018, and as Mayor of Cupertino in 2015. During my tenure, I delivered significant results for our residents to make Cupertino into a vibrant and welcoming city, while making sure all voices were heard in our diverse community.

If you’ve been waiting for the best time to get involved, the time is NOW!

I am committed to economic development by producing additional revenue (not cost cutting) to make Cupertino into a thriving vibrant city.

I will negotiate with the owner of Vallco to build a real downtown for Cupertino, with more housing for all income levels and more entertainment, dining and retail. A real downtown will attract more businesses to our city, rebuild the city’s sales tax base, generate funding for our schools, and help close our $30 million revenue gap.

Lawsuits have led nowhere, depleted precious city funds, and resulted in loss of our local control. I will bring back control over housing to our local officials. I have the experience and the willingness to navigate state laws and negotiate successfully with developers to build the right housing projects in the right places that fit with existing neighborhoods.

I believe our residents should feel safe in their homes and neighborhoods. I have fostered close ties with our sheriff and fire departments to deter crime, improve emergency response, and protect our quality of life.

I would be honored to have your vote.


A Proven Track Record

I have a proven track record of delivering results in a diverse range of personal and professional roles. In my professional career, I helped grow two high-tech startups into $300 million businesses. As a father, I worked extensively with local youth as a Scoutmaster and YMCA father/daughter leader. As a resident, I have held a number of leadership positions in community organizations. This breadth of experience makes me uniquely well equipped to have a positive impact on the Cupertin City Council.

  • Board Trustee for the Fremont Union High School District (FUHSD)
  • Founder and former Chair of Silicon Valley Clean Energy (SVCE)
  • Co-Founder of Bay Area for Clean Environment non-profit
  • Former Cupertino City Councilmember and Mayor of Cupertino
  • Former Chair of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District
  • Former President of the Rotary Club of Cupertino
  • Chair of the Cupertino Rotary Climate Action Committee

My family and I have lived in Cupertino for over three decades. My wife Britta and I have two children, Mark and Kristina, both graduates of Monta Vista High School.

Rod’s Priorities for Cupertino


I know how to build a vibrant city with dining, entertainment, and retail. Thriving small businesses will increase our tax base and close our revenue gap.


We can have a real downtown in Cupertino – a vibrant destination with entertainment, dining, and retail – to strengthen the tax base for our city and schools and close our $30 million revenue gap.

I’ve got decades of experience in business leadership to help Cupertino grow into a strong economy, and create a business-friendly environment to attract innovative companies, strengthen and diversify our tax base, and revitalize our small businesses.


I know state housing laws, and can navigate them. I will negotiate with developers to bring better housing projects to Cupertino that fit seamlessly in our existing neighborhoods.

I’m dedicated to expanding opportunities for young families, educators, and seniors to find housing and build generational wealth in Cupertino. I’ve successfully negotiated with developers to build more affordable housing units at Vallco, got senior housing built at the Verandas, and convinced the county to invest in building mixed-income educator housing on North Wolfe Road.


Cupertino residents deserve to feel safe in their homes and in their neighborhoods. I’ll foster closer ties with our sheriff and fire department to deter crime, improve emergency response, and protect our quality of life.

I’ll work hard to make the city safe and enjoyable to walk and bike for residents of all ages, and ensure small residential neighborhoods are safe for children to play outside.


I have decades of demonstrated climate leadership from helping to shut down the pollution from the Lehigh quarry, to co-founding Silicon Valley Clean Energy and bringing SV Hopper to Cupertino.

We can reduce traffic. I will work tirelessly to improve options to get around and reduce traffic with expanded SV Hopper service and safer bike and walking routes. I’ve worked with leadership at the County, and will partner with them and the surrounding cities to clean up Lehigh with minimal community impact.


As a former Monta Vista parent, a community leader, and as Board Trustee for FUHSD, I’ve fostered a strong partnership with our public schools, to enable them to continue to offer a comprehensive and outstanding education to our children.

I’ve been a longtime boy scout leader and have served the community for many years as a Scoutmaster and YMCA Adventure Guides Leader, and as a mentor and judge for FIRST robotics.

I’m committed to continue to engage with CUSD and FUHSD trustees and students to ensure our school districts have the funding and resources they need to succeed.

A Real Thriving Downtown at Vallco

The empty lot at Vallco

The proposed new development The Rise at Vallco

Cupertino deserves a real thriving downtown with shopping, entertainment, and dining destinations. I will work to make sure that Vallco is rebuilt quickly with a good balance of businesses and housing, so that it can become the beating heart of our city. This will also bring a huge boost to the city’s economy through new sales tax revenue sources.

I was one of the councilmembers who negotiated with the Sandhill Property Company to obtain an unprecedented package of community benefits for city residents worth an estimated $121 million, in conjunction with the approval of the Vallco Specific Plan 2.

The plan was subsequently repealed by the Better Cupertino majority City Council in 2019 and all these benefits were lost. If re-elected to the City Council, Rod will work hard to again bring significant economic benefits to the city.


$30 million New 40,000 sq ft City Hall
$22.8 million New 60,000 sq ft Performing Arts Center
$11 million New Wolfe Rd/I-280 interchange and Tamien Innu trail
$7.8 million 10 years of funding for the SV Hopper shuttle
$2.2 million TDM program for traffic management
$9.5 million New FUHSD 25,000 sq ft building for Adult School
$14.5 million CUSD unrestricted funds
$13.5 million Value of providing 40 “Extremely Low Income” units instead of “Very Low Income”
$10 million/year Supportive services for Extremely Low Income residents
$121.3 million Total value of negotiated community benefits

Rod is the strongest candidate for City Council in this election. He has a proven track record of delivering for the City – increased housing, stronger schools, business-friendly policies, transportation solutions, and impactful climate measures. He will be a force for good on the City Council.

Seema Lindskog

Executive Chair, Walk Bike Cupertino

Rod’s commitment to and ability to deliver on a strong economy, great schools, and superior quality of life for Cupertino residents is evident from his achievements in his former roles. I’m proud to endorse him for City Council.

Glenn Fishler

Consultant to CEOs