I have the honor of being endorsed by many prominent community leaders, some of whom are listed here. If that’s you, thank you for your support! Don’t see your name? Please consider endorsing or supporting my campaign.
Note: All titles shown below are for identification purposes only. No organizational support is implied.

Congressman Ro Khanna
California 17th Congressional District
“Rod has my strong endorsement for Cupertino City Council. With a proven track record of innovation and integrity, Rod is the forward-thinking leader that Cupertino needs. His commitment to inclusive progress and community empowerment will drive us toward a brighter future.”

Sheila Mohan
Mayor, City of Cupertino
“Rod has a long history of exemplary service to the Cupertino community. As an experienced City leader, he’s made a real difference in areas like clean air, sustainability, affordable housing, transportation, economic growth, and education.”

Hung Wei
Councilmember and former Mayor, City of Cupertino
Sole Endorsement
“Rod has proven leadership in championing balanced housing growth, revitalizing our economy, promoting clean energy and transportation, and helping our school districts succeed. That’s what Cupertino really needs.”

Education Leaders
- Rosa Kim, Trustee, Fremont Union High School District
- Stanley Kou, Trustee, Fremont Union High School District
- Naomi Nakano-Matsumoto, Trustee, Fremont Union High School District
- Jeff Moe, Trustee, Fremont Union High School District
- Bill Wilson, former Trustee, Fremont Union High School District & current Foothill-De Anza Faculty Member
- Tom Avvakumovitz, former Associate Superintendent, Fremont Union High School District
- Phyllis Vogel, Board President, Cupertino Union School District Board of Trustees
- Ava Chiao, Cupertino Union School District Board of Trustees
- Laura Casas, Trustee, Foothill DeAnza Community College
- Pearl Cheng, Trustee, Foothill DeAnza Community College
- Peter Landsberger, Trustee, Foothill DeAnza Community Collegee
- Eileen Le, Member, Sunnyvale School District Board & Sunnyvale Council candidate
- Carley Stavis, President, FEA (FUHSD Teachers’ Union)
- Andrew Goldenkranz, FUHSD Educator & co-lead of the Climate Collaborative, Chair, Santa Cruz County Democratic Party

City Leaders
- Sheila Mohan, Mayor, Cupertino
- Hung Wei, Council Member & former Mayor, Cupertino
- J.R. Fruen, Vice Mayor, Cupertino
- Savita Vaidhyanathan, former Mayor, Cupertino
- Richard Lowenthal, former Mayor, Cupertino
- Sandy James, former Mayor, Cupertino
- Larry Klein, Mayor, Sunnyvale
- Murali Srinivasan, Vice Mayor, Sunnyvale
- Richard Mehlinger, Councilmember, Sunnyvale
- Linda Sell, Councilmember, Sunnyvale
- Rosemary Kamei, Vice Mayor, San Jose
- Chappie Jones, former Mayor, San Jose
- Pete Dailey, Vice Mayor, Los Altos
- Sally Meadows, Council Member & former Mayor, Los Altos
- Neysa Fligor, Council Member & former Mayor, Los Altos
- Margaret Abe-Koga, Council Member, Mountain View, Candidate for Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors, D5
- Pat Showalter, Mayor, Mountain View
- Lucas Ramirez, Council Member & former Mayor, Mountain View
- Sergio Lopez, Vice Mayor, Campbell
- Liz Gibbons, Former Mayor, Campbell
- Suds Jain, Councilmember, Santa Clara
- Kathy Watanabe, Councilmember, Santa Clara
- George Tyson, Councilmember and Former Mayor, City of Los Altos Hills
Community Leaders
- Congresswoman Anna Eshoo, California 16th Congressional District
- Senator Josh Becker, California Senate District 13
- Assemblymember Ash Kalra, 25th California Assembly District
- Rod Diridon Sr., Emeritus Executive Director, Mineta Transportation Institute
- Nai Hsueh, Santa Clara Valley Water District Board Member
- Girish Balachandran, former CEO, Silicon Valley Clean Energy
- Shiloh Ballard, Candidate for Santa Clara Valley Water District Board, former Executive Director of Silicon Valley Bike Coalition
- Seema Lindskog, Chair of Walk Bike Cupertino and Vice Chair, Cupertino Planning Commission
- Jennifer Shearin, Chair, Cupertino Parks & Recreation Commission
- Joel Wolf, Vice Chair, Cupertino Bicycle Pedestrian Commission
- Connie Cunningham, Chair, Cupertino Housing Commission
- Neil Park-McClintick, Co-Founder, Cupertino For All
- Byron Rovegno, former Walk Bike Cupertino Board Member
- Larry Dean, Founder, Walk Bike Cupertino
- Louise Saadati, Walk Bike Cupertino Board Member, Community Leader for Dogs-Off-Leash-Areas (DOLAs), Board Member, Cupertino for All
- Margie Gong, former member, Cupertino Planning Commission
- Kiran Varshneya Rohra, President, Cupertino Rotary Housing Corporation
- Bruce Karney, Chair, Carbon Free Mountain View
- Dave Stearns, Community Leader
- Judy Wilson, Community Leader
- Susanne Millar, Community Leader
- Hsing Kung, Community Leader and Successful Entrepreneur